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Par CORAL GUARDIAN - Publié le 24 juillet 2014 - 00:44 - Mise à jour le 30 juillet 2014 - 17:42
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Manta Reef Dive Park - Gili Island

In collaboration with Vila Ombak and Gili Eco-trust, Coral Guardian has conceived, developed, and installed the first and largest coral reef restoration program dedicated to educate people to marine conservation through an educative self-guided snorkeling park. Why? Gili Island is a popular destination in Indonesia with more than 6,000 species of marine life living just offshore. Tragically, most of the East and North coral reefs in Gili Tranwangan have been damaged by bomb fishing, anchoring, tourism development and storms. Local biodiversity continues to be remarkable, providing habitat to blue coral (helliopora sp), a protected species, in addition to green turtles, sharks, manta rays and more. This is a high priority area for coral reef rehabilitation. It urgently requires a program to preserve the reef and its biodiversity. Notably, this area is in the process of becoming a protected National Park. How? Creating an artificial reef that will include a self-guided underwater path dedicated to the education of visitors about coral and their ecosystem. Reef Rehabilitation Surface: Manta Reef 1300m2 - Snorkeling Park 4000m2 Reef Materials: Hybrid structure that mixes the most efficient techniques such as mineral accretion, rocks and ceramic structures. Number of Coral Transplanted: 1 000 Team: 12 volunteers Special thanks to Gili Eco Trust, Red Sea, Bersub, Vila Ombak,Unitedminds, Aqualung and Oceanscape which are supporting marine conservation actions through this project to preserve marine ecosystems and sustain community livelihoods by valuing biodiversity and education. More info on

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